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New productPartnership

Agency for Hemoblast Bellows

Point Blank Medical Pty Ltd  are official agents of Hemoblast Bellows, a hemostatic agent developed by Dilon Technologies, aimed at enhancing surgical outcomes by providing rapid and effective bleeding control.…

PBM supplies JVC Displays to NSW Health

Point Blank Medical official supplier of JVC displays to NSW Public Hospitals We proudly announce that Point Blank Medical has been appointed as an official supplier of JVC medical diagnostic…
New product

MelMak – Fracture Healing System

Point Blank Medical (Australia) has achieved a breakthrough in Queensland by selling nearly 20 units of MelMak to hospitals in the region. MelMak, an ultrasound-based fracture healing device, has proven…
New product

Electrogenics MoSkin

MoSkin from Electrogenics Labs is a revolutionary disposable sensor attached onto the patients skin that reads real time radiation dose delivered to those patients who are undergoing radiation therapy. This…
New product

COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit

Point Blank Medical now supplies a Rapid Antigen (AG) Test kit from CTK USA called OnSite. CTK is a reputable US company whom are POC specialists, such tests are their…
New product

JVC Medical Radiology Displays

Exclusively distributed by Point Blank Medical Australia. Point Blank Medical (Aust) are immensely proud to announce that JVC (Japan) High Resolution Medical Radiology Displays are now available in Australia for the…

ISO9001:2015 Certification

Point Blank Medical is proud to announce that it has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification. ISO9001:2015 is the world's most widely recognised quality management standard. We are especially pleased being a…
New product

Personal Protective Equipment

P ersonal Protective Equipment   Point Blank Medical now offers PPE products to Australian hospitals in response to the COVID-19 situation. We now offer Face Shields, Level 2 and Level…
New product

IZI Soft Tissue and Breast Lesion Needles

Announcement!   From 1st May 2020, PBM will be the authorised sole supplier of IZI (USA) Soft Tissue Needle and Breast Lesion Needle for Biopsies. Encompassing Breast Biopsy and Soft…
New product

Compression Syndrome Solution

Compression Syndrome Solution   PBM have acquired the rights to distribute a product called "Compass". Currently there are relatively few solutions in this space where an immediate testing is required.…